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How to prioritize -when it's all important.

Writer's picture: Caroline ElseyCaroline Elsey

The phrase "Get sh*t done" sounds easier (and more fun) than it realistically is. This week I just accepted a job at INDIRAP and now I have a lot more on my plate than I did a week ago! Prioritizing tasks and daily to-do's is a daunting idea for anyone but I've gathered some tips and tricks for finishing those goals up in a jiffy! Check them out below.

Tip 1: Wake up at a decent hour.

I hate mornings as much as the next person but starting your day at noon will hinder any hope of getting everything you need to get done by the time you're back in your cozy bed. Starting early lets you wrap up early, meaning you get more time for yourself and your family. Getting all those annoying little tasks out of the way first thing in the morning will help you set your intention for the rest of the day and motivate you to carry on. Those little task like making your bed or checking your emails don't seem so bad when you do them right away (but maybe that's because we're still half asleep when its happening).


Tip 2: Collect a list of all your tasks.

Creating a list oof all your daily and long term tasks is a great start to nailing prioritizing but be cautious- don't over do it! Start by making a list of daily tasks you can easily accomplish, like scheduling that dentist appointment or finally paying that parking ticket. After you've got that list complete you can start with the other important tasks you have to do, whether they be chores, errands, or work related assignments. Keep them in check by listing them in order of your priority to get them done (I'd say finishing that mock-up for work is way more important than calling your hair-dresser back). As for big goals- break those down into small daily tasks that will bring you closer to accomplishing it.


Tip 3: Step away from that phone.

It's clear to anyone with a phone that they can be a MAJOR distraction when you're trying to focus in on a task. The ringing of an email alert, the buzzing of a text, it all triggers us to stop what we're doing and move our attention to our screens. Yes, I get that our phones are an important part of the business world and keeps us connected but I challenge you to put it down and stay away from it until it's necessary. People spend an average of 50 minutes a day on social media (and it might be even more now since that study is out-dated). Imagine what you could do with the time you spend staring at your screen, challenge yourself to have a screen-free day- you'd be surprise how much you could get done!


Tip 4: Do M.I.T's first (and we aren't talking the college here).

MIT stands for Most Important Task, and I'm guessing everyone has more than a few of these. Establishing these tasks and differentiating them from the others will help you gain a clear view of what you need to get done now and what can wait. There's a phrase I've stumbled upon that sums this up pretty well-

If it's your job to eat a frog, it's best to do it first thing in the morning. And If it's your job to eat two frogs, it's best to eat the biggest one first. -Mark Twain

Okay, so what the hell does that mean? Basically what my great, great, great Uncle (yes I'm for real) is saying is that your biggest, most daunting task should be done first because it'll make all the rest come a lot easier. Horrible metaphor but a great meaning. So go ahead- eat that frog!


Tip 5: Know the difference between urgent and important.

They sound kinda the same when first thinking about it but when everything you're trying to accomplish is important you need to be able to know what's your most urgent tasks are and get those done first. When I say "urgent task" I'm referring to things like calling back a client, making sure you make it to that meeting on time, or finishing a part of a project or assignment that you know will be passed on to other people. Basically urgent tasks are things that you need to get done because others rely on you to have these done so they can get their stuff done too. Check to see if there are any high-priority dependencies that rely on you finishing up a piece of work now


Tip 6: Schedule in an "oops hour".

Let's be realistic, sh*t happens. Scheduling an extra hour time slot each day will help you complete tasks that were hijacked by other bigger tasks you needed to do. Maybe you got stuck in traffic or missed your original train home from work. Whatever the problem or excuse, having an extra hour penciled in for your day will help you feel like you can conquer all those nit-picky tasks. Having this extra time will also make you more aware of how long your tasks can really take and provide you with the opportunity to up your productivity. This "oops hour" could be the solution to all your procrastinating problems!


Tip 7: Multi-tasking is a big no.

We've all tried it- and failed. Our brains are simply not built to take on more than one thing at a time. An American study reported in the Journal Of Experimental Psychology found found multi-tasking has a negative physical effect, prompting the release of stress hormones and adrenaline. That's probably why we feel so overwhelmed when trying to do a bunch of things at once. Plus, this same study found that multi-tasking knocks your IQ down a few pegs, meaning that you'd be better off focusing on one thing if you want to get it done effectively. Stop rapidly toggling through tasks and take. your. time. Trust me, it'll all get done eventually so no need to over-work your brain more than you need to.


Tip 8: Do something you enjoy at least once a day.

Part of prioritizing is prioritizing your own health- whether it mental, physical, or even spiritual. Taking some time out of your day to do something you love- like starting that book you got over the Holidays or going to the gym to sweat out some work angst. This helps you to appreciate the other tasks that you had to do first to earn this time to yourself. Plus, doing something you enjoy once a day will make you a happier person over. Taking a little time for yourself refreshes and re-energizes you. It allows you to think more clearly and make better decisions.


I only thought it was fair that this be my first post after accepting a job position since it's something I can look back on to help myself. But I hope these tips and tricks help inspire you too- making you a person who procrastinates less and is productive more! Here's to a year of getting sh*t done!

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