The day only has so many hours, and if you want to get some decent sleep it's key that you've got your time management skills in check. Check out my list of tips and tricks that can help you manage your daily tasks better. So you can start doing what you want, quicker!
1. Set Dealines and Make a List
Simple enough, right? Make a list of all your tasks in order of when each task is due. From there you can arrange then in your schedule, days prior to their due date, making the task less daunting and more approachable.
Side tip: Once you've arranged them in order of deadline, circle the tasks your least excited for. After completing one, reward yourself with a break or a fun task you've been looking forward to.
2. Protect Your In The Zone Time
Anyone who's taken adderall when theyre not suppose to knows what this means. Not that I would, but I'd assume it would go something like this: You're zeroed in on an essay, a video edit, cleaning your room- some type of task- and all of a sudden your phone rings with a text. What should you do? If you're really in the zone and your brain is completely locked into the task you're doing, don't let anything stop you.
THIS IS HUGE. I can't count the number of times I was in the zone, and got interrupted, only to come back to that task and get stumped on it again.
If a co-worker asks you to jump on a quick call, be honest and tell them you're really in the zone with something and that you'll call them back when you've finished. They'll understand, trust me.
Set an approximate timer with a reminder note for when you expect the task to be done and get back to them then. (Note: This shouldn't apply to things that take over 20 minutes and if they do, just don't forget to get back to the people you've put off during this time!)
3. Don't Attempt Multi-tasking
Notice how you're computer starts to lag when you have all those tabs open? Yeah, well, this is basically what happens to our brains when we try to multi-task. Some tips on how to do that?
- Schedule tasks out in a timely fashion on your calendar
-Don't be looking at more than one device (I see you subconsciously checking instagram)
-Keep your work areas clean and organized. It's true what they say, an organized space leads to an organized mind.
-Set restrictions and schedules for when you can get distracted or go on your phone for things other than work.
-Be aware of your habits, and steer yourself back in one direction when you catch yourself thinking about way too many things at once.
4. Keep Meetings and Conversations On Track
It's easy to get distracted and tied up in a conversation. Especially now a days on Zoom Meetings. It's so easy for a 15 de-brief meeting to turn into a 45 minute meeting about a new movie you saw or funny dog story your client had. Try to bullet point what needs to be covered in the meeting and share with the participants prior to meeting (maybe within the calendar invite notes) so everyone is on the same page when it comes time to talk.
5. Track Your Task Timing
It's easy to get sucked into a task and look up to a dark sky hours later. Try setting timers or limiting how much time you put into a task. Especially if you know you could be doing the task quicker.
This is also great for your own understanding of how long on average it takes you to complete tasks so you can set better, more realistic deadlines for when they should be done.
5. Learn Shortcuts
Everyone loves a good short cut. I'm not talking a quicker walk home, though that would apply to time management too. No, I'm talking technological shortcuts you can take.
Whether this be the use of templates, like in Canva, or sending out automated emails through Calendly. Any kind of app or software that can cut down your time on the back end is worth investing in (both education-wise and money-wise).
My tip would be to pinpoint what exactly is taking you so long with certain tasks and start researching for any potential tools that could cut down time.
Taking a pause not only boosts productivity but it can help decrease any stress.
Get up from your computer, rest your eyes from the blue light and reading, go outside and get some fresh air or do a short mindfulness session. It's as easy as searching "Mindfulness Meditation Work Break".
These breaks will help you tackle the day without feeling overwhelmed and help motivate you to successfully complete what you have to do!
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